Category Archives: This Just In!

Not Your Normal Nachos!

Out of all of the foods that I love to eat and all of the different types of foods that I’ve tried, I still haven’t found anything that brings me the same amount of joy as a big plate of nachos piled high with delicious cheese and toppings. Living in a brewery town, I’m blessed…
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Fresh Restaurants in Seattle

Spring is a lovely time to visit Seattle. Longer, brighter days are ahead after a rain and snow-filled winter that broke regional records. As people shed their puffy coats and venture back outside, there are plenty of events and activities that are celebrating the season while still remaining safely socially distanced. From the vibrant atmosphere to local…
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Foodie Journey and Dining Experiences – Napa and San Francisco

My food appreciation journey has developed and continues to grow over time with exposure to various cuisines. One might say that it began during my time in Chicago, as the city boasts several top restaurants and incredible diversity. My adventures brought me to Austria from Chicago, where I learned about Bavarian food. This was a…
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Top Foodie Influencers – Portland, Oregon

Spring is practically here. Longer nights and warmer days are near. It is time to wake up from winter hibernations, cheer up, freshen up, and prepare yourself for the beloved and long-awaited vacation season, aka Spring Break. This month, we feature two of our favorite Portland, Oregon food explorers. Yes, you can call them Foodies!…
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Freshest Foodie in Alaska!

I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that everybody thinks they’re also a foodie. I often sink deep into the ravine of my mental recesses and think, “When did it become cool to like food?” Sure, we’ve all loved food since first leaving the hospital, but what makes a foodie a foodie? It’s how…
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